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Tips, Tricks & Information


New Vape Steps for Success

1. Ensure all plastic is removed.

2. Fill a new pod and wait a minimum 5 minutes for the liquid to soak into the cotton.

3. Remove pods when charging the device.

4. Do not use a phone block to charge device. Vape devices should be charged with an adapter under 10amps. The best rule of thumb to remember: if it charges your cell phone, don't use it for your vape.

Most Common Vape Issues

'No Atomizer' Message

Device is not connected to pod/coil. Clean the connections with a Q-tip, ensure the contact pins have not depressed or gotten stuck.


Gently flick device away from you, this moves the air bubble from the exposed cotton of the coil. Juice may escape pod as well.

Popcorn Lung & Vaping

"Popcorn lung" is the nickname for bronchiolitis obliterans. A condition that damages your lungs' smallest airways and makes you cough and feel short of breath. Popcorn lung has been linked to diacetyl exposure. 

Diacetyl is a flavouring chemical typically used to give butter-like flavours to food. 

Diacetyl was common in vaping products, however Health Canada researchers have found diacetyl in 2 samples out of over 800 vape liquids.  There are no confirmed cases of popcorn lung to date.

©2022 by Cedar Gems

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