Nicaragua’s former dictator, Anastasio Somoza, saw an opportunity in cigars. Nicaragua had cultivated cigarette tobacco for years, but in the 1960s the dictator decided to finance the Cubans who arrived to build a new industry. At first, many cigar makers mostly used the tobacco grown in Nicaragua to roll the cigars in small factories in places like Miami. Shortly after that, brands like Padrón and Arturo Fuente opened factories and began acquiring land in Estelí and north of there.
Arista Reserve and Picadura cigars are a Canadian exclusive and come in two formats: a Nicaraguan line and a Dominican line. Because all Arista cigars have no bands and no boxes, all cost goes into the thing that truly matters, the TOBACCO, resulting in a premium product at a reasonable price.
The team of Cuban experts classify hundreds of packs of tobacco, making sure our brands only use the best raw materials. All our cigar brands are 100% handmade by 20 skilled cigar rollers and buncheros. The size of operation allows us to maintain a dedication to quality and excellence, setting Roberto Duran and Azan cigars apart from its competitors.
Hand rolled in Nicaragua by Nester Plasecia, and made from Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Brick House
Brick House is a gorgeous Nicaraguan puro crafted with a dark, reddish-brown Habano wrapper and a robust blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. The result is a medium to full-bodied cigar that's rich, flavorful, and smooth. Notes of earth, cedar, pepper, and coffee are complemented by a toasty, slightly sweet finish.
In recent years, CAO cigars has become one of the most sought after handmade brands. Period.
Drew Estates
Opening in July of 2007, La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate is truly a sight to behold. At over 96,000 sq. feet, it is the largest cigar factory in Nicaragua and one of the five largest premium cigar factories in the world. While others have built simple, economical cinder block cube-like structures, we understood the importance of making our factory special. It isn’t just the place where we make 94,000 handmade cigars a day, it is a reflection of who we are and what Drew Estate means.
The Horvath commitment to quality begins with the selection of the finest tobaccos available. Strict quality control procedures are followed at every stage of the production process ensuring that only the very best cigars make it to market.
Joya De Nicaragua
Tobaccos Joya de Nicaragua pioneered an entire industry 50 years ago by being the first cigar to come out of Nicaragua. Today, they are is located in the fertile growing region of Esteli which is becoming known as the tobacco capital of the world.
Junction Cigars are a throwback to when the average smoker didn't have to break the bank for a good cigar. It has been a smash hit since its launch in 2017 and is now available in the original Nicaraguan version as well as a Dominican version (with a higher quality wrapper and produced in the Ghurka factory).
My Father
Based in Esteli Nicaragua, Don Pepin Garcia has been called “America’s Hottest Cigar Maker” by Cigar Aficionado, and their Flor De Las Antillas cigar took Cigar Of The Year in 2012. Among their popular releases are My Father La Opulencia, My Father Le Bijou 1922 and My Father The Judge.
Named for the powerful storms of the same name, the Neya Ligero F8 Typhoon has quickly become one of the best selling new cigars in the USA. Featuring a healthy dose of fermented Ligero leaf from Esteli, this is a full bodied robust cigar with a stunning Habano Maduro wrapper.
Oliva cigars are Nicaragua’s second-largest grower of Cuban seed tobacco. Using the same time tested methods of curing, blending and rolling that built an empire, Oliva cigars have garnered numerous top ratings from industry experts and consumers alike.
Quorum cigars are handmade in Nicaragua, a country known for rich soil producing some of the world’s heartiest, full-bodied tobacco. Available in three varieties, Classic, Shade and Maduro. These cigars contain binders and wrappers that make each blend unique.
Made at the Plasencia factory, Reposado's are medium bodied made from a Cuban sandwich technique with all Nicaraguan tobacco blend. A clean finish on the palate, with a rich flavour.