Today, Santiago produces 50% of the Dominican tobacco; La Vega, Bonao, Puerto Plata, Monte Plata, Dajabón, Santiago Rodriguez, Cotuí, Azua, and San Juan de la Maguana are also areas with tobacco plantations. The lush soil of the Dominican Republic has been a key element for the country’s growth and harvest, turning Dominican tobacco into a mosaic of flavors.
Arturo Fuente
A family tradition since 1912. Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Our reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs.
Arista Reserve and Picadura cigars are a Canadian exclusive and come in two formats: a Nicaraguan line and a Dominican line. Because all Arista cigars have no bands and no boxes, all cost goes into the thing that truly matters, the TOBACCO, resulting in a premium product at a reasonable price.
Where tobacco grows, CAO goes. Boundaries are made to be broken.
Dominion Cigar is a Canadian National cigar distributor of its own premium cigar brands. Focusing on the Canadian market, Dominion is proud to be the only true Canadian boutique brand, with its own direct distribution network to tobacconists Canada wide.
Eco Premium
Eco Premium cigars and blend were developed by Phil Zanghi of the Indian Mororcyle CIgar Co. for maximum quality at an economical price. Phil achieved this by forgoing all marketing and packaging expenses, using the best long-fill tobacco available (the filler is aged 5 years) and employing ex-Davidoff rollers for the best possible final product.
The result is a set of three excellent quality long fill cigars to suit any pallete.
Factory Throwouts
Factory Throwouts are a true, unchanged American classic. Every cigar is made in the original Cigar City – Tampa, FL – on the same hand-operated machines that were used in the iconic boom eras of the 1930’s and 40’s.
Indian Motorcycle
These cigars are blend of the most sought after Central America, Dominican, an American tobaccos produced. This exquisite blend offers an inviting, full- flavoured well balanced smoking experience with a quality befitting of one of today's most revered brands.
Junction Cigars are a throwback to when the average smoker didn't have to break the bank for a good cigar. It has been a smash hit since its launch in 2017 and is now available in the original Nicaraguan version as well as a Dominican version (with a higher quality wrapper and produced in the Ghurka factory).
La Flor Dominicana
La Flor Dominicana was founded in 1996 in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Over the years we have developed a portfolio of quality blends, shapes and sizes which fulfill the ever-changing needs of today’s cigar smokers. Our well known consistency is possible because we personally supervise every stage of our production; from farming our tobacco at our farm in La Canela, to the art of manufacturing in our modern factory.
Macanudo is synonymous with quality and expertise in the premium cigar industry. For the social, the solo or even the unexpected moments, there’s a Macanudo cigar perfect for the occasion.
Principes are now available in flavors! Made the exact same way as the original Principes line, and are gently infused with delicious all-natural flavors.
Vega Fina
Over the years, VegaFina cigars have seen a few different iterations, our cigar masters have found the perfect blend with the most recent version, which has become one of the most sought-after cigars in Europe. Thankfully, VegaFina cigars have crossed the Atlantic and can now be found in Canada, so you can enjoy these extraordinary yet affordable cigars without a passport.