By the late 18th century it was acknowledged that finished cigars survived the transatlantic voyage much better than the leaf, and cigar factories were set up in Cuba. By 1810, Cuban cigar brands were registering for trademarks and the industry took off when Fernando VII of Spain allowed free trade for the island in 1817.
**Availability May Vary**
Named after the great Simon Bolivar who liberated much of South America from Spanish rule. Bolívar is a current pre-revolution brand, established in 1902. It is classed by Habanos SA as a multi-local brand. The range comprises full-strength cigars using tobacco from the premium Vuelta Abajo region.
Cohiba is the flagship brand of Habanos. It was created for President Fidel Castro himself and was made at the then top secret, but now world-famous El Laguito factory. The Cuban brand is filled with tobacco that comes from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba which has undergone an extra fermentation process. This unique process produces a special aroma and flavour you will only find in Cohiba.
Diplomaticos is a comparatively recent brand dating from the 1960's. It bears a marked resemblance to Montecristo, using numbers not names to describe it's size.
Don Francisco Fonseca founded the brand in 1890. A handsome man, who cared deeply for appearances, he passed his sartorial precision on to his cigars, which he dressed in silky tissue. All sizes are made with three long fillers and one short filler. Fonseca brand is very popular in Spain and mainly marketed in Canada.
Guantanmera STRENGTH: Mild FLAVOUR NOTES: The range comprises light strength machine-made cigars using short filler tobacco from the Vuelta Arriba region.
Hoyo De Monterrey
Hoyo de Monterrey owes its origin to the town of San Juan y Martinez, which lies at the heart of the Vuelta Abajo tobacco region. The flavour of Hoyo de Monterrey blend makes it an attractive choice for those who seek a delicate yet aromatic Habano that is lighter to the taste but with great elegance and complexity.
H. Upmann
Herman Upmann was a banker from Germany who loved Cuban cigars so much that he moved to Havana in 1844 and set up as both banker and cigar maker. His bank closed in the early 1920 but his cigars live on as a fine example of an elegant light medium flavoured Habano.
Jose L. Piedra
A Value Cuban cigar brand, hand made using the medium filler and the short fill technique. The Piedra family came from Spain in the mid 19th century and settled near the town of Santa Clara, which lies at the heart of the Remedios region where the tobacco has been grown since the 16th century and started making cigars.
Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez Diaz, a Spanish businessman, founded this brand in 1870. It was popular at one point, exceeding sales from competition like Jose L Piedra and Quintero. Juan Lopez Cigars has always attracted a following of aficionados.
La Flor Del Cano
It has only a few cigars in production and a minor market share. The range comprises medium strength cigars, using tobacco blended from the Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta regions.
Named after novel "Count of Montecristo" which was a favourite of the cigar rollers in the factory. Original range was No. 1 - 5. Pre revolution Montecristo was also a very popular brand and had high market share.
STRENGTH: Full FLAVOUR NOTES: Heavy earthy and peppery flavours blended with robust tobacco taste used to be the hallmark of Partagas cigars but a change in 1995 led to a milder blend with less robust tobacco taste and fainter earthy and peppery flavours in many models.
Por Larranaga
STRENGTH: Light to Medium FLAVOUR NOTES: Por Larranaga cigars have an unmistakable caramel sweet taste, the hallmark of this brand. They are also subtly aromatic. All the filler tobacco in Por Larranaga comes from the Vuelta Abajo regions.
Quai D'Orsay
The brand Quai d' Orsay was created by Cubatabaco in 1973 for the French market. The name was taken from a well-known street in Paris beside the River Siene.
STRENGTH: Medium FLAVOUR NOTES: Quintero's smooth, medium-bodied taste makes it ideal for those seeking to experience the flavour Habanos at an affordable price.
Romeo Y Julieta
STRENGTH: Medium FLAVOUR NOTES: Classic medium body with rich & complex flavours, almost all flavours (floral, nutty, herbal,fruity, woody, coffee, cocoa, vanilla) are present yet what is significant to Romeo is that none of these stand out and the taste is well balanced and not very tanic.
Rafael Gonzalez
STRENGTH: Light FLAVOUR NOTES: The cigars are renowned for their suave taste. Floral, herbal, mellow woodiness with honey sweetness are the main flavours. The tobacco taste is mild. This creates a blend of pleasant subtle and complex, which predominates over the mild tobacco taste and accounts for the brand's appeal.
Ramon Allones
STRENGTH: Full FLAVOUR NOTES: Floral exotic nuts, exotic herbs, honey sweetness with medium toasted tobacco tasted as background is the hallmark taste of Ramon Allones cigars. These flavours are presented a great complexity and balance.
STRENGTH: Medium FLAVOUR NOTES: Medium tobacco, herbal, floral and hints of bean flavors are what epitomize Trinidad cigars in taste.